Pakistan has turned the Baloch homeland into a killing field. Central Spokesperson BNM
The central spokesperson of the Baloch National Movement termed the firing of mortar on the civil population by Pakistani army in Hoshaab as a continuation of genocide and barbarism. He added that with the passage of time Pakistan is increasing its barbarism and the genocide of Baloch nation. The wounds of Taj Bibi and Raamiz killing were not yet fully healed and the Pakistani army once again martyred two more children with mortars and another child suffered serious injuries.
The spokesperson said that two siblings, a seven-year-old Allah Bakhsh son of Abdul Wahid and a five-year-old girl Sharatoon daughter of Abdul Wahid were martyred while a child Miskan son of Wazir was seriously injured in the mortar attack.
He added, in this years, a minor boy Murad Amir was raped by Pakistan Army personnel in Hoshaab too.
“To suppress the incident of Murad Amir, some so-called regional dignitaries tried to silence the affected family through money and threats. However, this tactic did not work. Despite, presence of all evidence, the rogue Pakistani Army personnel were exonerated. Ultimately, this time by targeting the playing children, Pakistan proved once again that its brutal army can play with the lives of Baloch whenever it wants and no one will be able to stop it.” explained he.
The central spokesperson said that when Raamiz was denied justice, his family members staged a sit-in protest with his body. This is the same place where today the family of Allah Bakhsh and Sharatoon are seeking justice. He further said, “We need to resist this brutality because the killer cannot provide justice. The Pakistan army lacks in humanity; by the matter of fact, it is a mob of beasts.
“For the past two decades the Pakistan army has been committing the genocide in Balochistan, including crime against human and war crimes.”
The spokesman said that whether it was the incident of Malik Naz, Taj Bibi or Hayat Baloch or today, the martyrdom of Allah Bakhsh and Sharatoon , these killings are an attempt to subdue us psychologically. Furthermore, the occupying state cannot be expected to be an enemy cultivated with some sort of humanity and civilization. Living in Pakistan, along with the destruction of Baloch national identity, the massacre of Baloch children has become a daily occurrence. A life of dignity and peace is no more possible under the occupation of Pakistan.
The central spokesperson of Baloch National Movement also informed that last night the Pakistan Army’s Death Squad attacked the house of Shaheed Khan Jan in Resh Pesh area of Prom, tortured his family, vandalized the house and looted all valuables. The Pakistani state has reached such a level of brutality that it does not allow the families of the martyrs to live in peace.
He concluded, “If Pakistan thinks that the Baloch nation can be subjugated by brutality and barbarism, then it is a misconception. The living nations do not succumb to such atrocities but create more intensity and energy in their fight for national survival, which will result in the defeat of the enemy and a clear victory of the oppressed nation.”