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Mashkay: Pakistan Army spreads drugs and commits genocide of Baloch in Balochistan – BNM

Mashkay: According to the international laws, the spread of drugs should be stopped, but here in Balochistan, the Pakistani state led by the Pakistani army is spreading drugs, geocoding the Baloch nation and destroying society.

This was stated on June 26, the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and the International Day in Support of Victims of torture, organized by BNM Mashkay Zone.

Former member of BNM Central Committee Qadir Advocate, Organizer of BNM Mashkay Zone Kambar Baloch and Senior Member of BNM Dr. Amber Baloch addressed the program.

The speaks said that June 26 is celebrated all over the world against drugs so that drugs can be controlled. The United Nations also created organisation to curb the spread of drugs. But Pakistan along with inflicting atrocities were also spreading drugs in Balochistan. Pakistan initially deprive Baloch from education. When the doors of education were shut to them the state would spread drugs.

“We can eradicate drugs from the society at a time when we are the owners of an independent state. Hence, when we are colonized, in such state cannot take any measures” for the eradication of drugs in Balochistan.

“When an aggressor colonizes a land, it is not their purpose to facilitate the native with education. Rather, its sole purpose is to seize the resources of that land. The colonizer forces are inclined to carry out the genocide of oppressed nation and destroy their culture. Once the doors of education are shut down then it spreads drugs.”

Today the state oppression on the Baloch nation in Balochistan is so intense and sharp that the youth are whisked away on daily and they are tortured for years. The houses of the Baloch nation are being burnt on daily basis. Balochistan today has been made a hell for its children.


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