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May 26th is remembered every year as “Bramsh Day”: Chairman BNM

Baloch National Movement chairman Khalil Baloch said that since March 27th, 1948 hundreds of thousands of Baloch children have been forcibly disappeared, assaulted, injured, and killed by Pakistan’s military and its spy agencies or death squads. Despite being the rightful owners of the rich mineral and natural resources of Balochistan they are dying from starvation and malnutrition all caused by the Pakistani systematic exploitation and colonial policies.

Mr. Baloch added, Pakistan has recruited death squads in Balochistan, to counter down the current Baloch freedom struggle. Baloch people are being killed and dumped by Pakistan’s military, spy agencies and their recruited death squads. They are also involved in looting local people’s residences as well, also burning and demolishing them at times. Hundreds of thousands of Baloch are in army run secret prisons. Because of the cruelty and injustices of army officials against the Baloch nation, even children are not safe and they are being victimized in various forms. This can be best seen from the recent horrific tragedy in Dannuk.

He further said that the British Empire’s chieftaincy system founded and furthered by Robert Sandeman had played an important role in helping Pakistan to continue its occupation in Balochistan. Today these tribal chiefs play a great role in recruiting and co ordinating with these death squads. Likewise, Pakistan has also recruited different death squad groups from professional criminals, killers, robbers, international drug dealers, and so-called religious clerics and extremists. There is a so-called provisional government in Balochistan but which in fact is fully under the control of the Pakistan army. In fact, the true ruler in Balochistan is the army.

Baloch National Movement has always held its stance that those political parties which participate in Pakistan’s army orchestrated parliament actually play with the trust of the Baloch nation. They also play with the emotions of those parents whose children have been enforced disappeared and are in military custody. These political parties are in fact trying to muffle down the resisting voice of the Baloch nation.

The notorious face of death squads, Shafiq Mengal, was in the last elections an ally of one of the political parties that is currently indulged in the protests and everyone knows about it. Pakistan’s parliamentarians are the puppets of those who have affiliations with Pakistan’s army. The Baloch nation knows it that their hands are blooded from Baloch blood. There is no doubt that the Pakistan army drafted death squads but they are also a part of the equation with regards to the parliamentarian political parties.

Dannuk tragedy not only exposed the brutalities and cruelties of the state army but also exposed the real faces of those parliamentarians. Pakistan is aware that to keep Balochistan occupied it should outsource its evil tasks to these parliamentarian political parties and death squad members. That’s why we can see their roots in every corner in Balochistan.

Mr. Baloch said Pakistan army drafted death squads have been creating troubles for local residents in Balochistan since the last 72 years. Killing, robbery and looting have been normalized. So far, hundreds of thousands have been killed by them. In Kech, on the midnight of May 26th, death squads members entered in Jasim house, with the intension of robbery and with the resistance Bibi Malik Naz was martyred and her 4-year-old Bramsh got injured. Dannuk tragedy has inflicted deep wounds on the Baloch society. From the reaction to this tragic incident we can analyze that the Baloch nation has initiated a new way of struggle. The demonstration against the tragedy is being held across Balochistan as well as other parts of Pakistan but these demonstrations should not be allowed to be hijacked by the very people who have been previously involved in genocide of the Baloch people.

He further added that Dannuk tragedy is a turn in our struggle which has given more courage in the Baloch struggle and movement. This day has a great significance in our modern history and BNM has decided that May 26th, will be named as “Bramsh day”. This is an effort to recognize and salute the courage of Martyred Malik Naz and also let the world know the brutalities of Pakistan army and other spy agencies against the Baloch children.

He further added that we hope that these demonstrations will continue until people get their rights and get rid of Pakistani brutalities and institutionalized violence.

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