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We pay tributes to Balach Khan on his twelfth martyrdom anniversary. BNM

The spokesman of the Baloch National Movement paid tribute to Shaheed Balach Khan Marri on the occasion of his 12th death anniversary and said that Balach Khan's role in the Baloch movement for independence would always be remembered. He opted to take the path of resistance against the enemy to secure Baloch peoples' national independence and embraced martyrdom in this struggle.

The spokesman said that Baloch guerrilla and revolutionary leader Martyr Mir Balach Khan Marri along with his father, the great pro-independence leader, Nawab Khair Bakhsh Marri and thousands of Marri tribesmen migrated to Afghanistan on self-exile; later on, he moved to Russia, where he completed his higher education. He rendered his good services as a representative of the Baloch nation in Afghanistan and Russia. In 1993, Shaheed Balach Khan Marri along with his father and other tribesmen ended their self-exile and returned to Balochistan. Hence, Balach Marri remained active for the cause of national independence. In 1999, he traveled to the United Kingdom and worked on various forums to highlight the Baloch national question by establishing contacts with representatives of other oppressed nations.

BNM spokesperson said that Shaheed Balach Khan Marri did not believe in the Pakistani parliamentary system, though he symbolically participated in the 2002 elections, and during the oath-taking ceremony he pledged allegiance to Balochistan. In his inaugural speech, he stated, “The assemblies under the influence of Punjab cannot heal the wounds of oppressed nations. The federal assembly is predominantly controlled by Punjab and the meager representation of Balochistan, Sindh, and Sarhad (now KPK) are symbolic. Occupied Balochistan and the other two provinces even united would not be in a position to pass any bill without the consent of Punjab. Having faith in such an assembly to change the destiny of the oppressed nations is a false belief and amounts to betraying himself and the nation.” Balach Khan Marri participated in only two sessions of the puppet assembly and spent more time in organizing the Baloch national struggle for freedom.

He said Balach Khan was a man of action rather than revering on national rhetoric. He was well-educated and had derived from the studies of other movements of the world that the militant front was inevitable in the struggle against Pakistan. Instead of playing only rhetoric with the emotions of the nation, he opted the path of resistance and made his homes in the mountains, and resisted the Pakistani army for many years.

The spokesman said Balach Khan Marri knew that Pakistan was using various tactics to weaken and disperse Baloch national power: the tribal conflict was one featured of those tactics. He first met Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti at the Doi and ended the long tribal conflict between Marri and Bugti tribes.

He said that the Baloch people had great expectations from Mir Balach Khan Marri. As the enemy is always planning to eliminate such practical leaders and men of action. The struggle of Balach Marri had turned his enemy insane. Enemy forces and intelligence agencies were trying to kill Balach Khan at any cost. Eventually, the enemy succeeded in their sinister designs and the great son of the Baloch nation embraced martyrdom.

The spokesman said that Balach is another name of love, deed, devotion to the motherland. Although Balach is not present among us, but his ideology and practical struggle are guiding millions of Baloch today. Balach is still alive, and his mission is alive. Millions of his followers are struggling, both at home and abroad.

He said that Baloch National Movement pays red salute to Mir Balach Khan Marri on his twelfth anniversary and vows that the Baloch nation is descendants of martyrs and would carry their mission to the destination.

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