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The silence of world powers even after the confession of Imran Khan is terrifying and would amount t

Baloch National Movement Chairman Khalil Baloch said that after the confessional statement of the Prime Minister of Pakistan being involved in training al-Qaeda and clearly acknowledging deep links of Pakistan Army with the international terrorist organizations, the silence of world powers and the United Nations against Pakistan is a great tragedy, and humanity will pay with horrific consequences.

He said, "the Prime Minister of a country is confessing before the world that the army of its country has trained Al-Qaeda and has also deep links with it. As al-Qaeda became more popular on the world scene after the 9/11 attacks, the assistance of al-Qaeda and its chief by providing him shelter near a military base in this modern era of the 21st Century was a clear sign of Pakistan's ambitions, but the US action was merely limited to Osama, but no clear policy was initiated against the real guardian of terrorism (Pakistan). Today not only the Pakistani Prime Minister has indicated that there are al-Qaeda supporters in the Pakistani army who helped in planning attack on General Musharraf, but also, in such a scenario, one might well guess that the nuclear weapons of Pakistan are extremely unsafe. These weapons can easily come into the hands of these terrorists at any time. Some years back, ISIS also claimed that they could obtain nuclear weapons from Pakistan in a year."

Chairman Khalil Baloch said that even earlier, Pakistan's top-level officials, ministers, federal representatives, military generals, intellectuals and top journalists have admitted or disclosed that Pakistan had provided training, resources, and logistic support to other terrorist and Islamic fundamentalist organizations at State level. These organizations are committing crimes against humanity in the shape of terrorist attacks in India, Afghanistan and other countries.

He said that after the 9/11 incident, Pakistan was given free hand by the USA and world powers granted it the status of a non-NATO ally and provided immense aid and military technology in the name of the war on terror. Pakistan kept the world in dark and used the international community's aid for two other purposes. Firstly, with these grants of US and Western aid, Pakistan intensified the Baloch genocide and secondly, it promoted religious fanaticism and terrorism (in the region and the world respectively). That is how it kept blackmailing the entire world with the deadly weapon of terrorism.

Khalil Baloch said that Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan's clear confession in the United States, affirms the claim of Baloch National Movement and other freedom-seeking Baloch leadership that the existence of Pakistan and terrorism are two sides of the same coin that cannot be separated. Now this situation has reached its zenith, the head of state is saying that the state has been providing training to terrorists, and its military chief is attacked by the (terrorist) elements within the army, those had links with terrorist organizations. The reality is even worse because the Pakistan Army is not a professional army, but its training and war doctrine is based on religious fundamentalism and fanaticism.

The chairman of BNM said, "Baloch National Movement has till date a clear position that Pakistan has turned immensely dangerous for humanity. Along with Baloch, Pakistan is committing genocide of other suppressed nations. It is practically a fanatic terrorist army and owns nuclear weapons; as well as it has deep links with international terrorist organizations. If world powers after the confessional statement of Imran Khan fail to take concrete action against Pakistan, then the worst situation, more dangerous than Nazi's Germany will evolve, because the Nazis had no nuclear weapons."

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