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BNM stands in Solidarity with Jalila Haider: Khalil Baloch

The Chairman of Baloch National Movement Khalil Baloch applauded the courage and bravery of Jalila Haider who has decided to sit on hunger strike till death against the killing of Hazara Community. He said that surely hunger strike to death is a brave act, but such efforts go in vain which hardly bring any changes on state policies. BNM’s leader added, “ the mass killing of hazara community is not being done by a particular group or sect, rather the state is directly involved in this crime, where religious fanaticism and terrorism are the basic pillar of state policy in Pakistan.

Chairman Khalil Baloch stated that the atrocities of the state of Pakistan have reached in such a level which cannot be addressed without the intervention of the world bodies. He further added, “We have been telling from the first day that there is no sectarian violence rather it is a planned strategy to defame Baloch national struggle through portraying it as a sectarian war,”

“Not only Hazaras are being massacred but also state is immerse in to weaken Baloch national struggle by promoting religious extremism in occupied Balochistan. But Baloch culture with strong and deep rooted norms did not fall prey of this strategy, that is why Hazara community became the next target of Pakistan,” added he.

Chairman Khalil Baloch stated that Pakistan is failed to face the Baloch national struggle both in politic and battle field. Today the entire world is aware about Baloch and Balochistan that is why Pakistan is trying to divert the attention of the world through creating the atmosphere of religious extremism throughout Balochistan.

He further stated that whenever international powers call Pakistan in question regarding its dubious role at war against religious extremism; in response to evade Pakistan starts the slaughter of innocent people to fool the world bodies that it is taking action against terrorist sanctuaries, in order to create soft corner for her in the international arena.

BNM’s Chairman asserted, “Hazara community is being targeted by Pakistan to defame the Baloch struggle and can beg money from to Saudi by supporting its religious narrative. He further exhorted to Hazara Community that they along with the apparent trouble makers would pay attention to the axes of evil. Surly, Pakistan is the real axes of evil in the region and the mass killing of Hazara community is the part and parcel of Pakistan’s evil strategies.

Chariman khalil Baloch stressed that Baloch, Sindi and Pushtun are equal target of this mass killing, but every nation is undergoing genocide with a different way that it can avoid and bunk itself from accountability. But personality like Jalila Haider and Manzoor Pashteen’s voices and determination have exposed war crimes of Pakistan. Similarly all the humanitarian forces need to support them for raising their voice.

Chariman Khalil Baloch said that Pakistan economy is entirely depended on by blackmailing the world in the name of religious extremism and terrorism. Pakistan Army has formed several religious extremist and terrorist sanctuaries and its proxies that are rapaciously killing the innocent souls.

Chairman Khalil Baloch stated that Hazara community is living for ages in Quetta, and they have a history long deep relationship with Baloch nation, but they would never make a complain that Baloch nation had ever treated them with contempt on religious ground or on the base of race either treated them as minority. He added that there is not as single episode in Baloch history where discrimination made on mere religious and sectarian basis.

He again added that the massacre of Hazara community is the state agenda of Pakistan. And the killing of Hazara community is an unforgivable crime. Pakistan army cannot exonerate itself by terming the killing of Hazaras as a sectarian violence. Now time has arrived that Hazara community in Balochistan should go to International Criminal Court against Pakistan for their continuous genocide.

Khalil Baloch stated that Baloch National Movement has full sympathy with Hazara community and we will strongly denounce Hazara genocide.

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