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BNM Observes March 27 Black Day: Pakistan Military Invaded Independent Balochistan in 1948

Baloch National Movement – North America’s call to observe March 27 as black day was attended by Pakhtuns, Sindhis, Kurds and enlightened elements of the Canadian society at a Toronto meeting. Sovereign Balochistan was invaded and occupied by the Pakistani military in 1948. The public gathering was attended by people from all walks of life sharing democratic values and respect for freedoms and rights.

Mr. Tarek Fatah, guest of honour at the event spoke on the importance of understanding the history and the evil nature of the state of Pakistan. In his speech, Mr. Fatah described the events at Dacca University on March 25, 1971 when Pakistan Army soldiers massacred more than 200 students and teachers at the university dorms and hung their bodies from the poles and trees. The carnage that began at midnight is known in the annals of Pakistan military as “Operation Searchlight” and rapidly progressed toward a full-blown genocide of the Bengali people. Three million Bengali civilians were brutally murdered and 200,000 women were raped by the jihadist army of Pakistan.

Mr. Fatah stated that people of Balochistan have fought many battles against the state of Pakistan and its military since 1948 following the invasion of the Kalat State. He emphasized that the military in Pakistan is the only ruling power that is calling the shots and is the fundamental link to the global terror networks. Pakistan army is specially trained for massacring civilians, sponsoring terror outfits and toppling civilian governments. He emphasized that independent Balochistan is the only future for the Baloch people and that the Pakhtuns today are marching against the forces of darkness and obscurantism.

Ms. Karima Baloch, Chairperson, Baloch Students Organization – Azad: (Full-Text of the speech)

Mr. Zaffar Baloch, President, Baloch National Movement – North America: (Full-Text of the speech)

Mr. Shir Abidian, spokesperson for the Baluchistan Peoples Party (western Balochistan under Iranian occupation) briefly spoke about the problems in western Balochistan which the Baloch people are facing there. Mr. Abidian recited a Balochi patriotic verses about the love of the land Baloch people have in their hearts and the significance of freedom without which we as a people do not have a future.

Mr. Mumtaz Khan, representative of the Kashmir movement spoke on this occasion and expressed solidarity with the people of Balochistan in their struggle against Pakistani military occupation. He strongly condemned the gross human rights violations and atrocities committed by the state against Baloch civilians. Mr. Khan said that the people of Kashmir are suffering the same fate at the hands of terror outfits sponsored by Pakistan.

Mr. Andrew, human rights advocate represented World Sindhi Congress and expressed his solidarity with the Baloch struggle for freedom and rights. Explaining the dire human rights situation, he said, religious minorities are being targeted in Sindh and minor Hindu girls are being abducted, forcefully converted to Islam and married off to criminal elements. Mr. Andrew emphasized the need of unity between Baloch and Sindhi people toward a common cause.

Mr. Keyvan Soltany, representative of the Kurdish community in Canada spoke at the Toronto gathering and expressed his solidarity with the Baloch struggle for independence. He stated that Kurds and Baloch are victims of historic injustice done to our people. Mr. Soltany informed the participants about the Turkish military atrocities in Afrin against Kurdish civilians in which a large number of casualties took place while the NATO allies of Turkey in the West silently watched the carnage happen. Mr. Keyvan described how Turkish jet fighters bombed Afrin for 50 days while the Erdogan-backed Islamic State terrorists massacred women and children indiscriminately.

Mr. Siraj Khan, representing the Pashtun community in Toronto spoke at the gathering and expressed his solidarity with the people of Balochistan in their struggle for rights and freedoms. Mr. Khan condemned in the strongest words the gross human rights violations committed by the Pakistani military against innocent civilians in Balochistan. He informed the audience about the ongoing Pashtun movement for rights and the long march to spread awareness about the humanitarian difficulties they were facing in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

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